Come hang out with your wheeling buddies for dinner and a quick meeing. As usual, there will be great raffle prizes! We're trying out a new venue this month! Come check out Side Pockets in Blue Springs! Social hour begins at 5:00 pm, and the meeting will begin promptly at 7:00. See you there!!!
Join The Midwest Krawlers for National Go Topless Day! This year we will be having a picnic style event held at Longview Lake Shelter #2. In order to not get to many of one thing, if your last name begins her would be a nice guideline: A-E bring Chips F-J bring a type of salad...
We will be in our usual spot over on the west side in the primitive camping area. Bring your tent, your lawn chairs and all that goes with it. We will hit the trails starting Friday morning, bring your food. The cafe will be open. Club will provide pizza Saturday evening. Drinks on your own....