Amy Malone

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About Amy

Q:  What is your professional background?   Where do you work, and what is your role there?

A:  I have been an Executive Administrative Assistant, a Help Desk Technician, an elementary school teacher/pre-school teacher, and I now work in Customer Service at a local, family-owned, community bank.  I help customers set up new accounts, research and resolve issues, get people back online, and just generally answer banking-related questions.

Q:  How long have you been off-roading? What drew you to the sport?

A:  We had a Jeep Cherokee many years ago, and we drove it to Colorado for vacation.  Since we were there and had just put A/T tires on it (stock size, no lift), we decided to try one of the many off-road areas available in the Telluride/Ouray part of the state.  We survived Imogene Pass thanks to Michael’s excellent driving abilities and a lot of luck, but when a deer jumped into the front end (for the second time!), it was done.  I drove the Mom-car (minivan) after we adopted our kids and while I was teaching, but we finally bought my dream car last July, since we wanted something to tow behind our RV.  Since it was a Jeep, I wanted to try out the Off-Road 101 class at KS Rocks (I was too chicken to try in Colorado).  Best birthday ever!  I was completely hooked!  We found the club and joined shortly after!!!

Q:  What are your passions and interests related to the club’s activities? What motivated you to join the board?

A:  I’m passionate about wheeling responsibly, in accordance with Tread Lightly principles and Leave No Trace.  I love being out in the Jeep in the dirt, but I want to make sure that the trails and roads we have are there for generations to come.  I really didn’t intend to join the board, as a newb, I just volunteered to help out, but I love learning new things, and this role has been a challenge that has provided me with multiple opportunities to geek out and learn new things, so I love it!

Q:  What is your vision for the club’s future? How do you hope to contribute to its growth and success during your tenure on the board?

A:  I really just want to see the club continue to do the things that we love doing – together.  I hope I’m able to connect members to what they love to do through our website, facebook, instagram and any other tools we have to stay in touch.

Q:  Just for fun, if you were a fruit, which one would you be?

A:  I would probably be a kiwi.  Weird on the outside, and actually even weirder on the inside, but kind of fun if you like that sort of thing.