About Brian
Q: What is your professional background? Where did you work, and what was your role there?
A: Owner of Built 2 Rock Offroad. Retired as a Millwright from Ford Motor Company after 32 years of service.
Q: How long have you been off-roading? What drew you to the sport?
A: I bought my first Jeep when I was 16 years old and I have at one ever since. When I was 12, we had a scout camping weekend and it rained the whole time. We moved our camp into a barn for shelter. After a while, we c onvinced the Scoutmaster to take his father’s 1974 K5 Blazer out in then pastures. We had a blast and I was hooked for life!
Q: What are your passions and interests related to the club’s activities? What motivated you to join the board?
A: I joined the board this year to help our members get out and enjoy off-roading: trail rides on easy trails to hard core rock-crawling. We have started the trips out close to home and as weather gets better, our trips will moved to some parks that offer a wider range of terrain.