Mike Malone


About Mike

Q:  What is your professional background? Where do (did) you work, and what is/was your role there?

A:  My professional background is in commercial furniture & logistics.

Q:  What drew you to off-roading?

A:  I like the challenge of off-roading.  Testing my skills excites me.

Q:  What are your passions and interests related to the club’s activities? What motivated you to join the board?

A:  I enjoy all of the club activities.  I am equally happy off-roading or out on a donut run.  I truly enjoy meeting people & learning about them. As for the board, I saw a need open up that I feel like I can help with.

Q:   What is your vision for the club’s future? How do you hope to contribute to its growth and success during your tenure on the board?

A:  I would like to see the club continue to grow.  In my tenure, I would like to set up more get together meet-ups to maintain the social aspects of the club as well as the off-road ones.

Q:  Are you involved in any other community organizations or initiatives that align with the club’s values?

A:  No other clubs for me.  Who has the time?  :)

Q:  If you had a superpower for a day, what would it be, and how would you use it?

A:  If I had a superpower for a day, it would be super speed.  That way, I could help everyone that needs it & still get some sleep.